daacro Team

As we aim to provide first class performance we must fill every position perfectly. Therefore, under the direction of Juliane Hellhammer, PhD daacro has put together an interdisciplinary team of outstandingly qualified employees. Depending on the focus of the project long-term freelancers may join the team.

Our tasks require the creative and smooth cooperation of a whole series of specialists. daacro's sponsors have come to greatly appreciate the interdisciplinary cooperation of physicians and psychologists, natural scientists, 

staff members from the different medical health professions, statisticians, monitors and IT professionals.

Before each study, daacro puts together a solid project team that is capable of meeting all the challenges of the task and which follows the study to its conclusion. A project manager is responsible for direction and is available to our sponsor representative as a permanent contact person for the entire project period.

Juliane Hellhammer, PhD
Founder & CEO

Nadin Meyer, MSc
Quality Manager

Michael Clemens, MD
Principal Investigator

Franziska Eckert, MSc
Study Manager

Jasmin Abou El Naga, MSc
Study Manager

Dominik Seithel
Data Manager

Irena Köllisch
Study Physician